Through treatment of satellite photos, interested companies receive real-time information about the availability of free parking spaces in a city at any given time or how many and which ships are docked at any port in the world at this time.
The UN’s Global Pulse Project will use a system that deciphers human language in analysis of text messages and posts on social networks to predict the rise in unemployment, the economic slowdown and epidemic diseases.
Retail businesses, monitoring the combination of products that their customers put in carts, won efficacy e.g. discovering that energy drinkers are more likely to buy also laxative.
The last place company in the ranking of satisfaction among mobile phone users in the U.S. jumped to the top position after integrating data from all their communication channels also breaking to half spending on call center.
In the Haiti earthquake, U.S. researchers realized before the rest of the world the Port au Prince diaspora using geolocation data transmitted over 2 million mobile SIM cards, which facilitated the work of humanitarian aid.
A Canadian hospital has used data mining technology to monitor in real time dozens of health indicators of premature babies, which enabled physicians to anticipate threats to children’s lives.