Sentiment Analysis on Twitter
What is it?
it is the “computational” process to find how certain individuals or groups respond to a specific topic, measuring whether the feeling on a piece of text is positive, negative or neutral. It is also known as opinion mining for assessing someone’s opinion or attitude, i.e. detecting the text ’emotion’.
Why the sentiment analysis?
Business: in marketing, it is used to develop strategies, to understand customers’ feelings about products or brands, how people respond to their campaigns or product launches and why consumers do not buy some products.
Politics: it is used to follow the political vision, to detect consistency and inconsistency between statements and actions at government level. It can also be used to predict election results and even to influence them!
Public actions: sentiment analysis is used to monitor and analyze social phenomena as well, to detect potentially dangerous situations and to determine the blogosphere general climate.
And why apply it on Twitter?
Data: Twitter provides a lot of data. For analysis, it is almost like finding a needle in a haystack. Finding relevant tweets, removing noise, calculating the feeling polarity by each tweet strength …
Informal language: tweets do not follow the conventional grammatical structure …
Opinions: they are sensitive to the user and dependent on the author’s authority – the opinion of a 14-year-old girl about a novel may not have the same weight as that of another writer …
Tweel is the Lyntek app for Sentiment Analysis on Twitter. To get its Android trial version 2.0, please fill the form below.